Wednesday, February 29, 2012

So today is canada's Pink Shirtday SO I am going to wear a pink shirt for canada here is my short post going to spend time with my support network my family

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Its been a while allot has Been Going on

So well i thought I would post its been some time and so much has happend. I have been dealing with allot. I lost some family members recently. I have had new family members come into the world. I celebrated my sisters wedding which was amazing. I was in the hospital. all in the course of the last month and a half. Its been Life. It just Happens you know. People ask me sometimes things like what do you do now that your Positive? Sometimes I want to say um I live. Life goes on no matter what if your HIV pos or not. But i just say the truth i have been pos so long that it really is just one of those things that yeah I live with it we are here for the duration and well its like this I am here i am Pos like it or not take me for who I am not what I have. i mean really is it so hard to answer that question? yes and no. Cause I do I just live I often forget that some people dont know about my status cause I am so Open about it I assume everyone does.I have not even been concerned about My HIV I am more concerned about my diabetes my heart my asthma and things like that.
So yeah here is what happend with my hospital dealio I couldn't breath I felt like it was my asthma acting up real bad its how it starts everytime. I knew what it was I just was in denial and I hate the hospital. So I come out and say sis I need to go to the hospital I cant breathe I know its pneumonia. She is like your just having an asthma atack I am like no its pneumonia no ifs ands or buts so she is like do you want me to wait I am like nope just drop me off cause they will admit me guaranteed. and sure enough it was pneumonia. I was admitted. Then to top it off I had another attack of CHF and Tachycardia with RVR and then once I got to my floor omg new residents god I hate New residents i dont like change and Doctors that dont know me piss me off they did all kinds of test saying they thought the ER doctors were wrong and I said OMG R U SERIOUS.. they were like what I said I have been dealing with this for so long I know whats what.. This isnt my first walk in the Park I knew what it was before I even came I know its tahc I know its CHF I KNOW ITS PNEUMONIA. They were like how do you know I said look I know you went to school and all but trust me I know what I am talking about I get Pneumonia 4 times a year and have since I was 4 I get attacks of CHF and Tach and have forever I know what it feels like they took fucking arterial blood Do you have any clue how much that shit hurts? yeah they ran troponin tests they ran an Echo 2D they did every expensive test possible I was like what the hell they said we have to rule all this out I said No you dont. It is what it is. Do you know what its like to argue with a fucking doctor fresh out of school oh god yeah I wasnt happy... not one bit...
So then with every thing I am totally freaked of Course due to well no meds and wll but yeah read this and watch the Vid trust me its crazy but yeah I love you I am living its going to be ok life happens man Life happens ...

Monday, February 27, 2012

First Video Blog here is the New media

OK today I decided to ramble a bit on camera on my Hiv pos you tube Channel here is the link and hopefully Video I am really Passionate So here it is please take a bit of time on my Ramblings I know it seems totally random but if you follow my Blog you Know I am random this is a start of many they will get better over time everything does thanks for reading and watching