Thursday, May 10, 2018

First post living in Boston

So its been just shy of a month since Ive mad the move to Boston Massachusetts. Ive been staying at an airbnb hostel and its getting kind of expensive awaiting the rapid rehousing program that I applied for ive made many calls and gone to several offices to apply. Im getting nervous because ive already run out of money from this months social security check after my very minimal bills and paying them rent im paid through till the 22nd but I fear thats not enough. But I know that I will be ok its been a huge change in my life and ive made changes before but never alone with no support network of any kind so its scary. I just have to keep assuring myself that all will be well. In the end ill be just fine and I know that absolutely everything will be ok . Thats my little rant for now everything else is going great and to be honest is absolutely grateful.