Tuesday, January 17, 2012

through it all I still have HIV and I am still here

Wow Its been a while but I happen to have a person in my life who happens to try to make things up about me and says everything I say about my virus is a lie. But I have decided to get back to the Blogging board. As of my last CD-4 and viral load Levels My CD-4 counts were well above 700 and my viral load is back to being undetectable. I have been positive since the Late 90's and well this is a very good thing for me to be doing so well.
 I have spent a good many years wondering pondering discovering allot about myself and today all i can say Is I am Larry and I have HIV. I am alive I am here and I am Positive. People Judge me for having it Like I sought it out well I didn't. My story is my own but similar to so many others.No I wasn't looking for some random and caught the virus I wasn't chasing to get it, it just happened I got it from someone I trusted oh well life goes on I have moved on I am who I am I am still here I am still going forward.
As for those who doubt me or who say I am a liar and don't have the virus or never did or chased it down or what ever that's your opinion and for those who say I don't disclose or don't tell people about it that's a blatant fallacy and for those who still are still in the dark about transmission No you morons You cant get it from touching me talking to me being my friend and if you honestly believe that then I don't want you in my life anyway I don't want idiots in my life I want good honest loving people in my life nothing more nothing less people who care about me for me not what I have or don't have people who will be with me and surround me and comfort me without fear.
But alas enough about that I am here today I am alive I woke up yeah with a bit of pain but I am here I am strong I am pos but I am here.some days are better than others yeah but that's life isn't it.No one looks at me different when I say I got diabetes no one thinks oh can you get that from touching no one thinks oh can you get that from this or that no they understand the disease yes right good now.I am glad to be here today I am glad to have a ramble I am glad to be able to ramble on.I have been far too long away from my blog and now I will be getting back to it and as for everything else well I want to post a little thing called a poem I am going to share now with everyone.
   Some Days
Some days I am here alone
some days I lye waiting to be done
some days I fall to my knees
some days I wish to be young and climb in the trees
some days I cry till I fall asleep
some days I wish I were free
some days I feel nothing but pain
some days I wish to run far away
some days I wake up and think
some days could be just a dream
some days I long for my mother
some days I wish for another
some days I remember my youth
some days I wish it weren't true
some days it feels like I have nothing left
some days I am left all bereft
but today I can say
its not like some days
today is my every day
I stand here wishing I didn't have this virus
but the truth is I do
and tomorrow I will still have you
  So there was my little ditty like me it rambles like me it has something about it and like me it will be me always inside and out I am Positive I am here 4915 days Later still with the virus still alive still going strong and still able to cry scream vent and long for so much one day there will be a cure one day I will be HIV free I know this and I am grateful for this truth how many more days years months I don't know but till then I will be here.

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