So it's been a while since I've posted its been a long hard year and a half I'm a horrible blogger. I know life catches up with so many of us.well I was not suppose to live to see my 35th birthday after what happen with my what was supposed to be very minor non invasive heart surgery well it turned into a nightmare I had pneumonia very bad fluid everywhere in my heart lungs they were honestly surprised I was alive well they tossed a pacemaker in and both doctors and relatives prayed. this is where I must stop and say on thing my life is and never has been my own I'm a living breathing miracle so God does exist. Yes I have been through allot but my life belongs to the creator and his will is all that can ve done that said back to my story. So I went into a coma I say I slept for a while cause that's what it felt like I did. I made it back I made it through two birthdays and I've struggled to make ends meet that's life though living with my health conditions are a life sentence I suffer allot but it's for a reason I think that reason is to tell my story my struggles to people so they know to take care of themselves because getting tested seeing your doctor taking care of your health is so important life would not,be the same without you in it may light guide your way and may you find love and peace in this world may this journey we are all on find us one day gathered together in friendship and love be well be safe and take care of yourselves and eachother blessings to all L.
Mostly you can be deeply in love with any individual only for them to stomp for your heart. Being rejected, whether by being damaged up with or on the grounds that they failed to wish to date you in the first place, can hurt as so much as a physical injury. The procedure toward cure can take somewhat even as, but it surely's a journey that you'll be able to need to go on. I've some good work experience with a OOH advertising and my words are clearly established on what I felt via such processes previously.