So many people do not understand death I have come to embrace the fact that I am going to die much sooner than most I know I will not live more than a few more years if I get that. I'll be lucky to reach age 50 and it doesn't scare me, I have come to terms with the fact that death is just another journey that we as spiritual humans have to take. Some people think that I am depressed or niahalistic but I am niether I have jus tcome to terms with the fact thet my death will come sooner than others. When death does come to take me I will meet death as an old friend not a foe I shall not fight him but embrace him lovingly as one does an old friend and we will walk on into the night and he will guide me on my journey to that next world. I dont fear it am I ready No honestly I dont think any of us are ever ready to take that journey but do i fear what is next No its just the next phase of my spiritual growth.
It doesnt make me sad or angry that i will take that journey sooner than most I have had a good Life I have lived and done many things so many others never have the courage to do.So as I prepare every day for this amazing next step I live each of these days as though it is my last because one never knows what the next sunrise shall bring. Life is a series of many wonderous events for some they are very unfortnate ive had the oppoutunity to have both good and bad things happen to me I take the bad with the good and vise versa for everything I go through has made me the person Ive evolved into todaythis is something I will eternally be grateful for nothing will or can ever take that from me and I am forever grateful for everything that has and ever will happen in my very full life and yes my life is and has been full.
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