Monday, April 13, 2020

Heartbreaking at least for me

So as many of you know I picked up my life and moved out of Kansas and into Boston.  Its been a total rollercoaster Ive had amazing ups but with the Ups come the downs I as most of you know have been on disability for a long time and out here 731 a month isnt enough unless you have a serious voucher well I did everything that you can do and never got word back. So i said screw it I went back to work took three jobs and got financially stable and even had investments for a life after I  wanted to quit working and even had investments set aside to make a bit of capital  so i could finally open my little food truck and cafe. Everything was looking at I was feesably between one and two years out for having all the money I needed to start up with no loans then in December the first talk of the virus and the market started to crash. BUT I thought it was gonna be fine but no I  lost everything and now I'm so scared of everything 
 I am barely going to be able to pay my  very minimum bills my credits shot now and everyone is saying not to worry it will all be ok but I  dont think that it will. Not for my dreams and my future. Aren't We all Allowed to dream big and work hard and smart to make those dreams become a reality.  Well thats all ive got for this messege guys keep your heads up and remember when the darkness falls there will always be a light to guide you on your way. A:ho mitakuye oyasin

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