Saturday, March 5, 2011

As Far As I'm Concerned

Look I take every day as it comes.People sometimes look at me as though i am A leper or it could just be in my head.Some times I wonder why people are still so under educated about HIV. Why has this disease fallen off the Map.It seems as though no one talks about it anymore people who do think you can get it so easy. everyone who does know or talk about it acts as though they are an expert on the subject but half the time don't know the four ways of transmission.Hell people don't even get tested regularly anymore.Let me tell you as far as I am concerned Every One and i mean everyone should be informed on this disease.People should know how to use condoms to protect themselves and fuck what anyone else thinks of you for using one if your going to have sex cover it cause you don't want to live life like i do.some people think that if they eat my cooking they will get HIV how stupid is that.I am so open about my status I always have been I have never kept it from anyone especially someone i date.Its important that people know what they are getting themselves into.I wish I had known what i was getting my self into when I was younger and contracted the Virus. Well I guess it could be worse my cd4 levels are good I got 954 t cells the virus is undetectable in my system.I am all in all good when it comes to that. I have been good I take my pills I live each day as it comes. Hell today I smoked chicken baked a cake and made two types of salads pasta and potato and we all ate great food and had a good time.Today was a damn good day even though my body is not in the best of health i think i got the flu even though I got my flu shots and everything this year.My chest has been hurting like crazy and my heart has been hurting allot lately my back has not been the greatest but you know I wake up every morning and am truly happy to be alive.Life as I know it is constantly changing but so is life as everyone knows it.the only difference between me and most people is that I have some health issues But i am not my health issues I am me and i can get up each day and live each day as it comes.I know that if I die tonight in my sleep I will have lived a damn good life and not have taken anything for granted in thins life.I know that although life isn't easy for me life isn't easy for anyone so I really cant complain you know.I am truly grateful for each and everyday that comes and every person in my life these are my blessings and i have so many I cant count them.The good in my life definitely outweighs the bad.

1 comment:

  1. Psh, 2 people I considered really close friends refuse to even be around me any more. I don't have something I'm gonna give you by coughing, seriously.

    I completely agree about condoms and other forms of protection. I made a lot of mistakes myself and it's a big reason why I want to work at Planned Parenthood so so so badly. I think people need to be very proactive about their reproductive healthcare. I don't want other girls to make the mistakes I did.

    And right on when it comes to "i'm not my health problems, i'm me." Couldn't agree more.
