Tuesday, March 15, 2011

government issues

There are somethings that i just don't discuss generally because it upsets me such as gays in the military and politics on homosexuality in particular # 1 lets start with the policy called don't ask don't tell HM interesting you can be gay in the military if you are a closet case that is just plane crazy bullshit if you are gay and wish to fight in the military historically in the native American community you were honored for this you were a spiritual warrior and you tended to be more fierce a warrior for being one of these chosen warriors as well as being honored you were a leader in your community being gay was not a negative thing it meant that you were more in tune with the world the spirits and yourself and i will not not be put down for being gay if the military wants me then they had better make new policy because i will fight for the honor of my homeland but i will not be put down just because i am gay i would feel honored to fight for this country that i am born to but this country would not honor me in return just because i am gay which is total bullshit now onto #2 on my list policy on homosexuality in this country like umm the gay marriage issue you know traditionally this country really had no policy on marriage before colonization that is if you were with someone and you no longer wanted to be with them there was no divorce court you see you just put their things outside your lodging and they respected your decision and gay people were not looked at differently you could be with whomever you wanted to be with until the relationship had run its course so making policy on marriage in this country when you are Anglo (which the entire government is) is unfair to the first nations people IE(myself and my lover and my lover before that ) you know it should be first nations people making policy in that WHITE HOUSE of theirs because we are the people that have lineage that predates that WHITE HOUSE of theirs in a country that regulates our traditions and delegates our rights and constantly reneges on our treaties is completely fascist and we are the ones who suffer we have lost so much to the Anglo perspective and we sit back and do nothing so in my eyes policy on homosexuality is policy on the first nations people because we are the ones who should be making policy due to the fact that it is our country and was our country first before Anglo colonization we respected this land did not pollute this land could eat directly from the seas that border this land and could hunt and gather anything with out fear of tainted anything as well as fish the rivers and lakes that are now so polluted that when we eat from them we fear things like mercury poisoning and possible radiation these are Anglo problems we as first nations people and especially if we are of the two spirit world we have to stand up and say something or we will never be able to live life in the respect that we deserve.sorry for such a long rant people but it is something that i am absolutely adamant about.All of these are very serious issues.And the government funding on HIV and AIDS education and prevention measures are being blocked and locked medical help to the disabled is being locked out. People who really need the help are constantly denied and those people are suffering with out medical coverage.I dig down so deep and write to help others not fall into my position because I feel the government doesn't care about us the ones who suffer.They can make all these laws and bail out companies that have wasted others money and and they can help the very rich and very powerful but when it comes to us  the people who are here suffering and fighting sometimes for our very lives we are all left behind. And then when the supreme court finds in favor of people like Fred Phelps that its OK to protest at a private event like a funeral I mean really to allow jack asses like that to do as they please lord knows were it me i would be in jail. Like i said we the ones who are all on the front lines down to the soldiers that fight for this very country we are all left behind and no one does anything for any of us.But the rich and powerful get everything.

 And along these Lines I believe that Hate and Intolerance is a poison that we in this country suffer far too much of and from and the fact that the government does nothing but sit on its ass while our children are being bullied for being who they are and being of color is total crap.This sickens me so damn much.I was told that we are the adults we need to lead by example well what kind of example are we giving when we allow racist jackasses to rule this government. what kind of example are we setting for our children when we say its OK he is just a faggot he got what he deserved or she was a dyke she shouldn't be alive anyway.Or its OK that HIV exists it kills the faggots off. Do you have any idea how may times i have heard things like this. yet what does the government do nothing. HATE CRIMES omg they are still happening every day and all these laws that were passed for the safety of all are never enforced and in some states aren't even recognized what was the point oh put it on the books so we don't look small minded. Yeah OK like why is it a black guy or Mexican gets pulled over for speeding but a white guy just gets waved on through racial profiling and hate still abounds the whole of this country and god forbid you be queer and of color then your just totally screwed. What the hell is coming of this country. 
You know HIV is still a very serious issue in this country just look at the cdc results here ill give em to you .
CDC estimates that more than one million people are living with HIV in the United States. One in five (21%) of those people living with HIV is unaware of their infection.
Despite increases in the total number of people living with HIV in the US in recent years, the annual number of new HIV infections has remained relatively stable. However, new infections continue at far too high a level, with an estimated 56,300 Americans becoming infected with HIV each year.
More than 18,000 people with AIDS still die each year in the US. Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) are strongly affected and represent the majority of persons who have died. Through 2007, more than 576,000 people with AIDS in the US have died since the epidemic began.

HIV Incidence and Prevalence, US, 1977-2006

HIV Incidence and Prevalence, US, 1977-2006

This graph is a line chart with the following movements

There is a solid line representing the People Living with HIV/AIDS.  The line starts in 1977 with zero infections and remains flat until mid-way through in the 1979 when it starts to an upward curve.  It then begins to curve upwards sharply until mid-way through 1989 at about 700,000 infections, and it begins to plateau until 1996 where it begins another steady upward incline until the year 2006 and stops at about 1.1 million infections.

There is also another dotted line that represents New HIV Infections.  This lines starts at 1977 and remains flat until 1981 when it increases to about 150,000 infections in 1984 and then decreases to 100,000 in 1986 and remains flat until 1991 where it decreases again to about 40,000 infections.  Midway through 1996, the line increases again to indicate an increase in the number of infections to about 56,000 where it remains, stopping at 2006.
Hall HI, Song R, Rhodes P, et al. Estimation of HIV Incidence in the US. JAMA2008;300: 520–529.
CDC. HIV prevalence estimates—US, 2006MMWR 2008;57(39):1073-76.

By Risk Group

  • Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM): By risk group, gay, bisexual, and other MSM of all races remain the population most severely affected by HIV.
    • MSM account for more than half (53%) of all new HIV infections in the U.S. each year, as well as nearly half (48%) of people living with HIV.
    • While CDC estimates that MSM account for just 4% of the US male population aged 13 and older, the rate of new HIV diagnoses among MSM in the US is more than 44 times that of other men and more than 40 times that of women.
    • White MSM account for the largest number of annual new HIV infections of any group in the US, followed closely by black MSM.
    • MSM is the only risk group in the U.S. in which new HIV infections have been increasing since the early 1990s.
  • Heterosexuals and Injection Drug Users: Heterosexuals and injection drug users also continue to be affected by HIV.
    • Individuals infected through heterosexual contact account for 31% of annual new HIV infections and 28% of people living with HIV.
    • As a group, women account for 27% of annual new HIV infections and 25% of those living with HIV.
    • Injection drug users represent 12% of annual new HIV infections and 19% of those living with HIV.

Estimates of New HIV Infections in the US, By Transmission Category, 2006

Estimates of New HIV Infections in the US, 2006, By Transmission Category

This graph is a pie chart with the following divisions

MSM 53%

Heterosexual 31%

IDU 12%

Hall HI, Song R, Rhodes P, et al. Estimation of HIV Incidence in the US. JAMA2008;300: 520–529.

By Race/Ethnicity

  • African Americans: Among racial/ethnic groups, African Americans face the most severe burden of HIV and AIDS in the nation.
    • While blacks represent approximately 12% of the U.S. population, they account for almost half (46%) of people living with HIV in the US, as well as nearly half (45%) of new infections each year. HIV infections among blacks overall have been roughly stable since the early 1990s.
    • At some point in their life, approximately one in 16 black men will be diagnosed with HIV, as will one in 30 black women.
    • The rate of new HIV infections for black men is about six times as high as that of white men, nearly three times that of Hispanic/Latino men, and more than twice that of black women.
    • The HIV incidence rate for black women is nearly 15 times as high as that of white women, and nearly four times that of Hispanic/Latino women.
  • Hispanics/Latinos: Hispanics/Latinos are also disproportionately impacted.
    • Hispanics/Latinos represent 15% of the population but account for an estimated 17% of people living with HIV and 17% of new infections. HIV infections among Hispanics/Latinos overall have been roughly stable since the early 1990s.
    • The rate of new HIV infections among Hispanic/Latino men is more than double that of white men and the rate among Hispanic/Latino women is nearly four times that of white women.

Estimates Rates of New HIV Infections, By Race/Ethnicity, 2006

Estimates Rates of New HIV Infections, 2006, By Race/Ethnicity

This graph is a bar chart with the following divisions

The bar representing Black Americans extends from left to right and stops around 82 cases per 100,000 population.

The bar representing Hispanic/Latino extends from left to right and stops around 30 cases per 100,000 population.

The bar representing American Indian/Alaska Natives extends from left to right and stops around 18 cases per 100,000 population.

The bar representing Whites extends from left to right and stops around 13 cases per 100,000 population.

The bar representing Asian/Pacific Islanders extends from left to right and stops around 20 per 100,000 population.
Hall HI, Song R, Rhodes P, et al. Estimation of HIV Incidence in the US. JAMA2008;300: 520–529.

* This fact sheet highlights key information about those most impacted by HIV and AIDS in the US. For information about other risk populations, visit www.cdc.gov/hiv.
 The term “men who have sex with men” (MSM) is used in CDC surveillance systems. It indicates the behaviors that transmit HIV infection, rather than how individuals self-identify in terms of their sexuality.
Last Modified: July 20, 2010
Last Reviewed: July 20, 2010
Content Source:
Divisions of HIV/AIDS Prevention
National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention

if you think this isn't serious it very much is and what is the government doing about it? I am so concerned about all this and so much more yeah some times I feel like we are beating our heads against a wall is anyone listening please tell me is any one else concerned about any of this.
I know this has gone on far too long in this country we need to do more than we are people need to stand up. we need to step out of the box for our future or we wont have one we need to do more than what has been done in the past .Thank you all for letting me share and vent and write you're eyes off I hope you all get what i am saying because this is important to all people not just gay or Hispanic or black or white or native but this concerns  all people.
 So many Americans think we aren't affected but we all are. And Yeah i don't discuss this often but none of really discuss any of these issues I am asking myself why they are important aren't they.Shouldn't we start talking more and more about these issues.shouldn't we be doing more about these issues.On a personal note I know i will be doing more for myself my people my country and for any one who needs the help or an ear or a shoulder i wish there were more I could do, Don't You?

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