So I have been thinking allot on my life I have these two wonderful four leggeds in my life. I have been many places and been through much I was at a loss and an Impasse for so long. Now I have these two people who need me and I realize I need them as well. I was all ready to be completely alone but now I have these two beautiful and wonderful Companions.I am truly amazed and grateful for the gift from the creator.So I pray for my health and I know these guys will keep me healthy because they needs me. I know that love comes in so very many forms, and now it has been brought to me with these two.I no longer feel lost and confused so much.
I thought for so long that I needed a man in my life or something.But when every man turns into Mr Hyde once we are together its just too much for me to handle.So when these two come into my life I was like I cant handle this then well they kinda jus made me fall for em.I was a total wake up moment, and so I did I woke up and was like I needed that. Life throws you fast ball some times and it just hits you like a bat outta hell. And this time it hit me I just fell.I know they will keep me safe as long as I keep them safe.I have a feeling that the next guy I get with will have to go through them first lolz.Wawasum Is blind in one Eye it messes with his depth perception ie: he will attack a dog twenty times his size I can only Imagine what he would do to a person if they was all wrong for me.Animikee she is sweet till you piss her off no depth perception problems with her though but she will let you know she is there alright she let the big dogs know not to mess with her already.
I am really glad to have these two I know I didn't think I could handle it but well I have surprised myself.So I sit here thinking on my life listening to music and I am like wow I am getting somewhere now.I have started making plans again like real plans not just living day to day. Things are looking much brighter than they ever have in my whole life.And as I type this entry Make you feel my love by Adele starts to play and I realize that for my entire Adult life I have done this in every relationship I have been in, and all they were were warm body's next to me nothing more they tossed me aside like i was trash and I sit here and realize that these two Puppies have shown me that I am more deserving than that.If I am to give so much I should get as much in return.My friends treat me better than the way my lovers have.and allot of them have treated me better than the family that I was born into.So from now on I will be setting my expectations higher than they once were even if it means I will be single longer.
There is no day but today so why waste it on a person who does not love you or think of you in the same way that you feel for them.So i will not look if love is to come he will find me.I will not want for a companion as I have two who love me more than life.So I have plenty of time and companionship.Life throw what you will my way because I know I am prepared for all of it.My therapy well is loving life and living in this world seeing everything and everyone for who they are the beautiful creations that they are.Life is so beautiful and so many of us lose sight of that when things start to look down but the ups are so much better than we give them credit for they get us through the sad and dark times.Take a long hard look one day you will see exactly what I see.So never be scared of loneliness it does not ever last.Life is full of beautiful things people friends and so much more.If your family lets you down there will be someone there who has your back.If you fall someone will be there to pick you up if you cant walk there will always be someone there to be your legs.Trust in that because of all people who know I am one.
I know I have had my share of falls and people helping me when i cant walk or see or stand on my own two feet.I am here to say that through it all I am here and alive and well and loved by many and I know that you are too so with that I will stop rambling and say goodnite and megwetch for reading love lite and peace. Aho.
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