According to DOMA marriage is between a man and a woman and cannot be recognized federally for any reason.Hmm.. Does that not break yet more treaties with the indigenous people of this country? As Many people know historically many tribes not all but most considered people who Identified as gay or lesbian or bi or transgendered people who were not your average were very much held in higher respect men who dressed as womyn and womyn who dressed as men things like this.All the tribes had theyre own special names for these people but there was nothing that translated to fag or homo or queer and the name for the people who were like this was holy and never ever to be used in a bad way and the tribe allowed them to take mates and be what whites would call was honored and respected.
Now today we have taken and coined the term two spirited people I am such a person who Identifies as two spirit but if my tribe legalizes gay marriage the government has the right to come in and tell us we arent recognized.So what are we going back to the 19th fucking century and Indians are not human again. are we going back to the early 20th century and we arent even citizens of our own country .THIS IS MY COUNTRY all of you are guests unless your native too of course.Why is it that we cannot have our traditions.Why is it that for 65 years we did not get the recognition for what we did in WWII when we were barely citizens.Barley I say cause we could not even vote legally then.we were still subhuman.But because I am gay and Indian I have even less rights.
It is so frustrating and you know what this is not good for my Stress over this is horrible for my virus.
Being a native man I feel we should have the rights we deserve. I believe that we should be honored by our fellow country men and womyn.But no we get the brunt of the stick we get less than and then get told by others oh you got it made our indian.MY tribe dont have a casino Yo I am poor too and I get shitty medical too.but oh because we are indian we got it so good.mhhmm yeah thats why your in a beautiful 2500 sq ft home while I cant get a decent job cause of my color oh your indian you get money from the government we dont need to hire you the government takes care of you kind.And Yes that is how people think all day everyday news flash your on my land yet you get to own it.the land set aside for natives is barren and wasted the shittiest land not good for grazing or hunting or plowning and harvesting the government tryed their hardest to kill us all off by placing us on the worst pieces of realestate known to man.but that aside you ant to judge ME cause I am gay and pos as well so yeah well shoot should i just give up?
Now for the die hard racist homophobic assholes out there they are prolly sayin kill your self. To you people NO A resounding NO In fact HEL TO THE MCMOTHERFUCKING NO!!I am a gay indian man who is living with HIV and if that hasnt taken me then I dont think I will make it easy. I am a warrior. I will fight by educating my people and help others for the rest of my life.
Now for every one else yes we as Native accepted all people no matter theyre gender or gender identity we honored all people created by the creator.that is the ndn way.and DOMA is in direct conflict with our treaties so its time to take a stand and start writing the government your state representatives and more till they pull that off the Table and Obama Your adopted Crow did you know that the tribe you represent honors its two spirit people so if I were you I would Honor my people and get rid of DOMA an honorable Man would do this.He would honor his people.I am not saying our president is Bad in any way I love Mr. Obama and if he weren't already Married He would so be on my list of men's I want to try to turn to Marry me.lolz honestly he is sexy as all hell, And he is a good man I just want that our traditional waye be respected and honored across the board.Treaties should finally be honored after all theses years.And any law put up before the senate and house floor should go through a coalition of tribal reps to see if in fact it could violate a treaty. It so sad that nothing has ever been put in place to protect us natives you can throw us in prison for life but you a\cant make laws that protect us.and yes a life on the reservation is prison.anyway this has turned into a real rant I hope My point was made. I wish I were a better writer.But alas all I can do is toss the facts out there and point things out.I am but a humble common man.nothing more so I will say a prayer and hope that creator takes this to Obama and he makes the changes to protect us all and make it ok for all to have the same equal rights. thanks guys talk to you again soon. L
Thanks for the informative post.
ReplyDeleteThis is an eye opener for me. I think as an American, it can be easy for us to forget, or worst yet to turn a blind eye to the American Indian people. Why is this? And is this to be true for all native peoples through out the world. those in Canada, Central and South American. The Aboriginal of Australia. The Mali people of New Zealand and the South Pacific. etc,etc...
Our American History is not always a history one can be proud of. The relocation of a Native people, Slavery, Intolerance, prejudice, and this list goes on as well.
Your Country. Yes. Living in Japan I can be asked, "What is a typical American?" And I tell them, "We are people from all four corners of the world converging on one land. "Typical?" The true Americans are the people we came in on." I tell them they have closer ties to the American Indian people, than people of European descent. Granted this exodus from Asia took place tens of thousands of years ago.
Where do go from here? Are we on the right path? Have all paths been explored?
People are selfish. And the easy path is not always the right path.
You covered so much for me to think about. Way more than I could post in one comment. I`ll be thinking and mindful of this Post of yours. I wan`t to learn more. Go forward eyes open, and not eyes shut.
"Liberty, equality, and fraternity. " I think it's a good base to mark the correct path of equality and respect peoples.
ReplyDeleteHello my lovely... I wanted to post that I think you are one amazing man... I'm proud of my spirit brother... sending my love to you sweetness xoxox
ReplyDeleteYou forgot to mention that when the white man found oil, water or gas underneath those barren reservations he then almost inevitably conspired to deprive the Natives of at least part of the material value of the oil or gas. But your enemy- the ones responsible for causing the harm- are expert in pitting poor white people against Natives and mutual acrimony develops, and those wealthy few are the enemy of all who cherish peace, wisdom, justice and love. I personally believe the government should get out of the business of policing marriage. And, I agree that a legitimate challenge to DOMA could be mounted by one or more Native peoples(s). It's been like forever but at one point in my college career I was studying Navajo (the language) and I learned that in addition to a singular and plural case Navajo has a 'dual' case, referring to exactly two people- a recognition in the very fabric of a language that two people working together can usually accomplish more than two people working separately.