Monday, May 2, 2011

the many sides of me

Today I was finally able to Join My aids campaign it is my fervent hope that this helps me to end allot of the stigma associated with HIV/AIDS I am here for the purpose to educate and Help with prevention measures as well as help those newly Diagnosed. HIV is not a death sentance like it once waas but yes it is very much a life sentance. I never get a break I have never been told Larry great news your in remission. I am Undetectable but must maintain my medications.
HIV is not all that is wrong with me either I ma diabetic type 1 and always have been.I cant get rid of it by losing weight or eating better I have tryed I was down to 135 pounds at one time to try to get my sugars in check.So yeah lots of issues I am Chronically ill In and out of the hospital I never ever get a break.If I can help even one person by writing or speaking I have done my Job. I have a very busy life lolz I am in the ER allot. And On top of that I do my part with helping the local HIV community and lgbti community I really really try very hard to do my part.I am very vocal about HIV and allways Have been I have Always been out about my status.
I have had issues with some people though but I have let it go and I have moved on.I have lost some friends but if they couldnt accept all of me then you know what they did not deserve me.I am who I am I am infected But I am not going to let that stop me from doing my part in this fight.When I told my family it was the hardest thing to do because they were very uneducated about it my mom thought she would out live me in fact allot of people thought they would out live me but here I am and well allot of those people have made thier journeys.
So to the subject of companians I am going to tangent a bit today change subjects and things well My doctor told me it would be a good idea for me to get a therapy dog I wound up with two, who then had three more of thier own I am now daddy to two dogs and grandaddy to three pups. SOme times its well lets just say messy but i wouldnt change a thing I am learning how to take care of them and they are definatly taking care of me.They all love me very much. And for the pups I have found them all homes so well when they are big enough off they go.

so I think I will post some pics of thems here just because yeah u should see the cuties. well thats as many as I can post as the uploader is being touchy but they are adorable and I love them with all that said I think i will publish and be done for now.

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