Friday, May 27, 2011

the weekend Is Here!!!

So the weekend Is finally here.It was great To start I was picked up by my sister and we got some movie and children time.So this Past week has been Full of events Osama Bin-Laden Obama Geronimo the debates about everything. And so tomorrow we commemorate our mother's. I was trying to figure out how to write about this.Well I would Like to commemorate my sisters and my sister's in law's my aunts and Cousins grandmother's those special womyns in our lives that are special to us.
Allot of times we forget how precious life is how much we take the ones we love for granted.It is truly saddening that we forget that life is a gift and those we share it with is a gift.I don't know how long I will be around let alone how long someone I love will be here to share this beautiful time with. I believe that one day I will fade away into the next place I will make my journey then.Life Is fleeting when you have a special person in your life be it a relative or lover make sure that you let them know you appreciate them everyday.Thank god everyday for those wonderful people in your life.
I know many times I took my parents for granted and i really wish that I had not.I am grateful now and forever to them they are still teaching me from beyond they are with me always I know this now and forever.
To Update I started this post a few weeks ago I didn't know how or even what to write, and of late I am called to write my Gratitude's.I know this week has been chock full of things sad things angry things hateful things hurtful things,But the good things have been truly lacking somehow.It seems that I have let the anger and malice the malignity's in with out thinking about it in fact I forgot for A minute what I am grateful for.Today I am Going To Share exactly what I am grateful for.I am grateful For my health I ma grateful for my family I am grateful for the people in my life who love me.I am grateful for my creator I am grateful for my parents I am grateful to be here this new day this beautiful day I am grateful for the gift of life which all to often many of us take for granted.
So yeah without my parents I wouldn't be here today.with out my loved ones I wouldn't have the strength to keep on going.Oftentimes I forget to be grateful for the very gifts that I have right before my eye's.I have many brother's and sister's who love me who are there for me both biologically and in the Indian way and for this I am truly grateful.I have been truly blessed in my life.Often times I find myself dwelling on the bad on the venom spewed about me or others I love this I can not do I have to let go and let god.I must remember what I am grateful for I must keep my strength and remember what I am here for.I never intended for this Blog to be about me venting anger spewing forth hate I have always intended to Just show my Life how I deal with My virus.How I live each day everyday with my help others to see the reality of the see that life with the virus is real and hard and harsh to keep others safe and to help to give hope to the newly diagnosed there is always hope for everyone no matter what we think.
one thing that Many of us forget is we have the choice to be hateful and unforgiving it is our choice to dwell on malice and malignity's.this week many good things have happened to supersede the bad My friends had a baby  i got to spend time with my family and as much as I miss them I know my parents are still with me watching over me always.I am not perfect I have made many mistakes but I know there is a lesson in everything that I go through its all about seeing the lesson and learning from it.Many times in my life I ignored these very words from my parents now I often find myself hearing their very words and in the voices of my parents.
I was given allot of good advise from my parents and for that I am very grateful. there are also many people today in my life who remind me that not only am I blessed but that I myself am a blessing to them.In fact a good person who is very much like family to me I saw a couple weeks ago at the pow wow I saw here and gave her a big hug and she embraced me and said You are a true blessing a light. I will never forget those words. I keep doing what I do because of not in spite of the fact that I am chronically ill.I keep my faith I continue to go to lodge and pray for those who need it more than Myself.Blessings come in many forms and many ways and I will take them I will honor them I will be grateful for them.
With out the blessings that I do have I know very much that I would not be healthy today.The blessings of my family extended and otherwise.My nephew's and nieces who give me strength when they so much as smile n tell me they love me when they run up too me screaming uncle uncle uncle LARRY and wrap their arms around me giving me such love and embracing me so fiercely this is a gift that you can not imagine.
As I said I have much to be grateful for and I know my mom would remind me of that were she here today I know How blessed I am and I thank everyone in my life all of you keep me going each and everyday my blessings are truly countless thank you pielamaya megwetch.
so to end this post I will say a small Prayer
Boozhoo Mitakuye Oyasin Wankentonka Tungushila
greetings all my relations creator grandfather of all
I ask you to know my heart know my prayers take them up to you
you of all know my heart you know what is needed the people living with disease of all kinds take care of them hold my loved ones in your arms close to y our heart bless the little ones take care of the victim's of the storm hold those two little boys in your arms and help their parents know that they are safe in your loving arms.Hold everyone in service close to you our soldiers our politicians all our warriors men and womyns both.
those who suffer from mental illness those who hole hate in their hearts teach them how to let go and lift it up to you take the hate from their heart take the sadness the depression lift it from them show them the truth and the clarity let them find true peace of mind and let them all learn the real meaning of love.I lift my heart to you my prayers to you in a humble way in a good way with no malice or hatred I lift this to  you and know you will answer take care of all the people living with HIV Hep-C and anything else you know what I ask and you know How to answer.
Pielamaya megwetch A'ho Mitaakuye Oyasin

1 comment:

  1. You write well, I know all about starting a blog and setting it aside because I've lost the thought. I can also identify with trying to find things to write about.

    I have notice with yours, you write about many things all in one post. Maybe if you chose one topic per post and kept a list of all your thoughts for a blog, then you could knock them off one at a time and keep going longer. Just a thought. You have so much to share, I enjoy reading your blog. Keep going.
