Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What It means To be Native Two Spirit And Living with HIV

As an Urban gay Native I am not trying to to get anything extra no new rights I am trying to re-claim the rights the honors that my people had Prior to European colonization.This is what the Two Spirit Movement is all about re-claiming what we lost taking our places (taking my place) our right full places as educators and such me sharing my HIV story and trying to help keep our youth from contracting this Virus.Trying to break the stigma that it is only a white or black disease that it doesn't affect the red man. Trying to break the fear and stigma and teach knowledge about the truth.You see traditionally Two Spirit People were people who were looked on my the tribe as educators mediators Marriage counselor's gender Identity was looked at by what role you had in the tribe if you exhibited both gender roles you were both it wasn't what you were born with but who you were it wasn't looked down upon it was respected.
Our Elders tell us of people who were gifted among all beings because they carried two spirits, that of male and female. It is told that women engaged in tribal warfare and married other women, as there were men who married other men. These individuals were looked upon as a third and fourth gender in many cases and in almost all cultures they were honoured and revered. Two-spirit people were often the visionaries, the healers, the medicine people, the nannies of orphans, the care givers (Roscoe 1988). They were respected as fundamental components of our ancient culture and societies. This is our guiding force as well as our source of strength. This is the heart of Two-Spirited People of the 1st Nations (2 Spirit Nation of Ontario) This paper explores what we know of the past of two-spirit people, compares that to the present experience and looks forward to the role that two-spirit people could play in the future of First Nation's people in Canada and across North America.
It was often said that two spirited people gave Names Kept sacred grounds and taught the traditions and such.Today being Gay Urban and HIV positive I have a role to play I educate people about this virus. I feel it is my duty to my people.It is hard to be open about my HIV status and well it makes for difficult times finding anything more than a one night stand allot of the time but I feel one day I may be lucky in the love department.And until then I always have my speaking.I am one of very few Natives who is publicly out about their HIV status and I am proud to go out and educate.It is scary to for us to be out it means that we have to face the truth we have to be honest with ourselves about what we have.Not only that it means we can no longer live in denial that we are pos. I understand why people wouldn't be publicly out about they're HIV status.I do really.I also do not judge those who cant yet be that way.I am who I am and will speak out and share how this virus affects me each and every day.This is my roll to fill My part to play.This Virus is my burden not anyone Else's.So I bear the load and try to keep those out there who are not positive negative and to educate the newly diagnosed to take care of them selves properly.
No I do not try to recruit the newly diagnosed to speak that is not ho wit works.I do although try to comfort them and help them find the resources in their area's.in some cases it is a mouse click away in others its hard work finding the resources.In all cases it is rewarding to help people who truly need the help. The small part I play is a beautiful gift to me.
So although today being a two spirit person is not the same as it was in the day's prior to colonization, but it still has its place.We are still strong people we are still honored we still have parts to play and we still do what is best for the tribe as a whole.
I am blessed to Be native and Two spirit.Many people in white society throw us away they toss their own children out and that's just for being gay hell some even tell their kids they should go get AIDS and die.And for those young people who get tossed out well often times it leads to the streets where you do anything to survive and yes they go home infected and their own families still shun them.For those it is to Me sadder for the families who shun their children.Why you might ask? Because they are wasteful and they do not know how blessed they are to have that beautiful person spirit in their family. As Joe Medicine Crow, a Crow traditionalist, told Walter Williams, “We don’t waste people the way white society does. Every person has their gift.”And Many people today forget that all too often that not only does every person Have their gift but every person is a gift.

and remember Protect yourself stay negative if your negative and if your positive ask questions find a good doctor get treatment as soon as you can.And above all else remember your beautiful your are loved you are perfect the way you were Made there is nothing wrong with who you are nothing at all.And for those of you who get bullied remember your stronger than you know and it will get better everyday. 
Mitakuye O'yasin Aho 

1 comment:

  1. Larry my brother I love how you share, and how your teach. The wisdom of the two spirits is something most never have the chance of knowing. I'm so happy to hear this story again, even more happy to hear it from you... Your words gentle and strong spoken like a true warrior of the heart... Thank you for this very much... As always I send my love to you... deepest deepest gratitude... Oceans of love your sister Lozen xoxoxo
