Sunday, May 1, 2011

Osama Bin Laden Confirmed Dead On the 66th anniversery of the ddeath of Hitler

I pray to the creator today that our boys and girls will be coming home soon. It was confirmed today and announced that Osama Bin Laden was killed in a very well organized Targeted attack led by the US government what seemed to have elude George W. Bush for his entire two terms Obama made happen in the secon half of his first Term Yet every one critisizes Obama you know what out there to al the critical people Go to hell OBAMA IS TAKING CARE OF BUSSINESS. YEAH. ok that said yes i am beyond happy I am moved to tears today.this affects us to get on the ball about federal ADAP cause I need the ADAP program for my meds. you know now with Osama out of the picture Obama will have much more time to deal with more important issues like health care and education. and The Economy for all the Nay sayers I say live my life and tell me we dont need these programs for the poor live my life and tell me we dont need social security. Live my life and tell me the 60 year old woman down the street raising her three grandchildren on her 900 dollars a month retirement check and no help from the parents of her grandchildren does not need her sociall security benifit. Yes I usually talk about my HIV today I am Talking about my countries goverment the budget and how it affects us all.those of us with chronic illness it affects even more so for those of us with HIV this means that mabe Obama will have time to look over the planned cuts on our federal adap and maybe he will veto that and change it for the better i mean dont we all have the right to have health insurance and a better quality of care and a better life.thank you Mr president for doing everything you do.change is slow but for some of us we dont have that kind of time to waste

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